Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Beginnings of Necromunda Gang

Nancy was furious, the muscles before brains were stalking her sisters and had harassed Becky last week. This was something that had happened too many times already and her position as Queen of Girls of old town required action. She took her gun from the shelf and left the 'headquarters' of the gang, beckoning Goldie and Wendy, her Matriarchs, to come to her. 'Girls, get everybody ready, we will get some tonight!'

She gave inquiring eye  to the nobles from House Ulanti, would be nice to have those rather unnerving women along, if only to have more targets for the hulking idiots to hate.


Goldie and Wendy

Molly with Grenade Launcher

Dallas and Gail - Sisters

Becky and Tammy

House Ulanti reps

Nike A Go Go - Death maiden (not in the starting lineup)

My gaming club decided to start Necromunda campaign few months ago, was interested but didn't really want to buy any more miniatures... So, I checked want I had, and asked guys if it's ok to use these, gathered few 40k weapons and off I went.

These are motley crew from Hasslefree and Zombicide mostly. But I think they should be okay to play with.  

Back in business.

Ok, work, family, being coach, takes time from hobbies. Haven't write anything in the blog since 2017, but thought to continue as I have more time and new games to play. 

While in lockdown, being one who has been working remotely a lot before, nothing changed by covid for me in that scope.

Since I quit Fow, haven't played really anything but one club Mordheim campaign with Druchi list from Broheim, maybe 5 games. 

Now it seems that the old guys want old games, so coming up is new warband for Mordheim, Disciples of Maldred is on the paint queue, this isn't probably the powerlist top10 but I really don't really want that either now.  

For Necromunda, I took look at what I had in miniatures horde, and decided that having quite many Hasslefree miniatures and lot of nasty, sexy zombicide killer queens, that Escher is the best and only option, lest I buy more, and really the unpainted lead mountain is high enough.

I'm going to eye hospital to get me some kind of new contact lenses, so hoping that doesn't mean that I need to paint everything again, when I see better.

Girls of the Old Town

Disciple of Maldred, the Duke, and his dupes.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

I know this blog has not been very active, but my time and interest hasn't been in fow lately too much either.

Thanks to the way BF put the new version, probably won't play the game anyway.

V4 rules are ok, and I have nothing bad to say about them, really. The cards and new lists don't really look like something to wait eagerly for years to get and play with though.

I liked FOW for it was tournament friendly game, the V4 hardly will be, at least not in near future, So there is no need to have competitive game for me, and that makes it easy to move to other games.

Have fun everyone who enjoys the game now, and after, I'm off to do something else for while. Mostly modern russians for modern Bolt Action lately, maybe put new blog up for that one day.

Not gonna rant about all there is wrong in the world, just little sad to lose the good tournament game.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Going Microarmor for modern wargaming - Heroics & Ros stuff, updated

Group picture, got advice to lighten the colors, which I did..

Decided the newest BF venture doesn't look that good on table or wallet, so after seen the WWPD guys AAR with 6mm minis, I was sold.

Takes some time to get the idea how to paint these, and in reality nobody can see details from 1m range anyway. Here are some of mine US stuff, all from H&R. Will put more pics up in near future.

M2/M3 with first color added, no stats in team yankee yet.

M109, needs some work still. 

M1A1 (Will be proxy for all Abrams)

M901 ITV the hammerhead can be put to any length you want, it goes through. 

M163 Vulcan Aid Defense System

AH-1 Cobra, with rotor from Hurlbat http://www.hurlbat.co.uk/ , the stand is medium Dropzone commander stand.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Push to Meuse versus Bad language

Just a quick one, sorry no pics. Invited a friend over to have a game between two always attacking, spearheading medium tank lists.

2 PzivJ
4 PzivJ
4 PzivJ
4 PzivJ
Full aufk
Puma patrol
Nebs trucks




2 Easy8

2 easy8

3 armored mortars plus .50
3 m4a3 105mm
Vet cavalry recon
3 Priests with m4a3


As both list are always attack, we rolled and PTTM got to defend in Fighting withdrawal.

The game was a nailbiter, on my turn 8 I managed to hunt down a panzer to force first platoon morale, which he failed and, starting his turn, the company morale.

Make the 4+ to win, otherwise lose, can't be better than that after hard fought 8 turns, and the confident German rolls.... A 3!!!!

Both lists have a lot of potential and really are something that can give battle to both. They also come from Mr.Willcox list ideas, so probably are not for everybody, we really had a lot of fun, even if my wife was very, very angry. ;)

Friday, September 4, 2015

Sigh, getting old, forgot the title. :P Anyways, FAQ/LFTF updated.

FAQ updated with September additions, added the EW books to the mix while at it.

Bigger things were:

  • Clarifying who always attacks/defends in v2 based lists.
  • Aircraft gets shot at any part of the model
  • Sending Supply vehicles to the rear

Monday, June 15, 2015

Gaming models Shermans, Jumbos, Easy 8's, Priests and staff. Updated pics.

In the wise words of ZZ top:
When you get up in the morning and the light is hurt your head

The first thing you do when you get up out of bed
Is hit that streets a-runnin' and try to beat the masses
And go get yourself some cheap Shermans
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah!

Bought lot of US stuff from Greg, and I have painting these and added .50 cals and some troops for the Priests/Jeeps. I have used both BF and Dom's decals here, I put some new pics ups, as the sun is up now, even here north.

So, this is where they stand now. Still some work needed, but as people want to see cheaper options for their toys, I'll update this now.

Patton, Jumbos, AOP and Easy eights, everybody say cheese!

Troops are from BF.

Lot of staff with CT tanks.

Waiting for 9.7.2015 when the JT's burn. ;)

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